EpicBump Discord Bot Logo

EpicBump Discord Bot

Invite EpicBump Bot to your server and get LOTS OF MEMBERS with its unique commands. Discover the power of the EpicBump Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in December

EpicBump Discord Bot Described:

A Partnership Bot to get you LOTS OF MEMBERS!

Free And Basic Partnership bot for bumping and getting free members! [Running 24/7!]

Get Started

First, add the channel where other server bumps will be posted using e!channel . Next, use e!desc <description> to set the description of your advertisement.
Your setup is just about finished! Use e!preview to take a final preview of your advertisement and then use e!bump to bump your ad to all the other guilds!


Like other partnership bots you have a 40 Minutes Cooldown between each bump. But i’ve decided to do something much better!
If we hit 1000 discord servers I will lower the cooldown to 30 Minutes and if we hit 10,000 discord servers I will lower it to 20 Minutes between each server bump!

All Commands

『 General 』

e!help How do i start?

e!invite Invite the bot to your server!

e!ping The bots latency

e!upvote Upvoting the bot on top.gg helps you get more members!

e!support Our support discord server!

e!serverinfo Basic info about your discord server!

e!userinfo Basic info about YOU!

『 Setup Tutorial 』

e!channel The channel where other server bumps will be posted.

e!desc Set the description of your advertisement.

e!preview Preview your advertisement.

e!bump Bump your ad to all the other guilds.

The help command also consists of the link to the support discord and our website!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add EpicBump Discord Bot to my server?

You can add EpicBump to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add EpicBump Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: e!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Style#0002