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Essentials is a simple yet useful discord bot that can be used for moderation, information and fun commands etc.

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Essentials is a fully customizable Discord bot with fun, information, moderation, action, and meme commands, with many more coming in the future.

Website: https://www.essentialsbot.com
Dashboard: https://dash.essentialsbot.com
Default prefix: e! (can be changed)

Basic commands:

e!help - Displays help information
e!ban - Bans a user
e!kick - Kicks a user
e!mute - Mutes a user permanently if no time is specified.
e!meme - Grabs a meme from r/memes
e!dankmeme - Grabs a meme from r/dankmemes
e!prefix - Changes the bot prefix for the server

For more help with commands do e!help <command> or e!help all

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.