Logo for Etherhunt

Upvote Etherhunt

The first Discord bot for NFT Games.

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Play daily NFT Games!
Compare NFTs based on their rarity score.
One game per day, ten seconds to guess.
Share your score on Twitter and Discord.

Collections included: BAYC, MAYC, mfers & Moonbirds
New Collections: Goblintownwtf & Doodles

Admin commands:

This will add a game to your server. You can pick which game to add from the drop-down menu.

This command resets your server leaderboard.

Show all the users who have played the games today

Player Commands:

This will allow your users to play the game that has been added.

Challenge players in the server and play PVP battles.

Show the stats of your duels

List of all available games in the server.

Ranking with the top scores of the players in your server.

Ranking with the top scores of the players in your server from all the servers they have played the game.

Shows your position in the server leaderboard.

List of all available commands.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/etherhuntdotcom
Discord: https://discord.gg/7eN48YncKR

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.