this is a bot that uses microsofts ai that detects faces and shows info about them, i put this into a bot and some of the things it shows are, gender, age, facialHair, glasses, emotion, contempt, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral, sadness, and surprise. the bot is free and open sorce for anyone to use and its github link has a non discord bot virsion (if you want that)
%ai (image url) //uses the ai
%cpuinfo //shows the server info that the bot is running on
%help //shows help page

FaceAi Discord Bot
Full FaceAi Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Fun commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.
0 upvotes in FebruaryFaceAi Discord Bot Described:
Says info about a persons face, use %help for list of commandsFrequently Asked Questions
How do I add FaceAi Discord Bot to my server?
You can add FaceAi to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add FaceAi Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots

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