Fast Ticket
Feature requests can be made here
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
Fast Ticket is an open source Discord bot which uses JDA
Configuration / Values- Color: Specifies the color for the embed.
- Logs Channel: The channel to post ticket logs to.
- Ticket Open Msg: The message to use when a user opens a ticket.
- Role: This users with this role can see the ticket.
- Open Ticket Tag: Whether or not the bot should tag the role (only works if role is set and the bot has correct permissions).
- Reaction Message Id: This internal variable stores the message id the bot should look for to be able open a ticket.
- -help : Shows the help message
- -new : Opens a new ticket
- -config : Shows the current configuration
- -value : Allows you to set config values
- -close : Closes the ticket you type the command in
- -emojiopen : Sends a message with a reaction that can be used to open tickets!
- -stats : Shows the statistics of the bot
Feature requests can be made here