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Felix.AI Commands

Discover the full list of Felix.AI commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the Felix.AI Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.

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Here are the Commands for Felix.AI Bot:
  • /aihelp - Sends the commands for the bot!
  • /gen - Generate a generic image (humans, scenery, etc.)
  • /genn - Generate a special generic image
  • /gf - Generate a furry image (fursonas, characters, etc.)
  • /gfn - Generate a special furry image
  • /upscale - Uses AI to 2x the resolution of your images
  • /img2img - Takes an image as the basis for the generated furry image!
  • /credits - View model authors and other misc credits
  • /ping - Shows the latency between Felix.AI and Discord
  • /userstats - Shows the stats of your or other's image generation
  • /stats - Shows the stats of image generations