FireSpark Discord Bot Logo

FireSpark Discord Bot

Add FireSpark Bot to your server and use its Moderation commands. Get the full guide to FireSpark Discord Bot here.

0 upvotes in February

FireSpark Discord Bot Described:

FireSpark is a Moderation Discord Bot with different functions.

Moderation Stuff
!kick <@Member> “Kicks a member from the server.”
!mute <@Member> “Mutes a member.”
!bann <@Member> “Bans a member from the server.”
!tempmute <@member> <time s/h 20s/1h>“Mutet a member X time long.”
!clear <count> “Deletes X messages.”
!moveall “Move all users of one voice channel to another.”

Status Role/Game Role
!srole add <@role> <status/game> “Automatically adds a role to a game/status while playing the game.”
!srole remove <srole id>“Deletes a sroll.”
!srole list “Lists the rolls. with the role ids”

Auto Channel
!autochannel add <channelID"Creates a channel that creates a new channel when you enter it."
!autochannel remove <autochannel ID>“Deletes a AutoChannel.”
!autochannel list “Lists the Autochannels. with the autochannel ID s”

Music - (Experimental in development -|- Opus Voice -> maximum quality!
!play <ytlink/serch> “Plays one song or a whole playlist”
!next “Plays the next song.”
!stop “Stops playback.”
!setvolume <1-100> “Changes the volume.”
!shuffle “Mixes the playlist.”
!sinfo “Shows the data of the current song.”
!getplaylist “Displays the playlist.”

!avatar <@Member> “Returns the profile image from the user.”
!jail <@Member> “Put the user in jail.”
!xmas <@Member> "Puts the user a Christmas cap on.
!cool <@Member> “Makes the user cooler.”
!meme “Search for a meme.”

Other Stuff
!dice <min> <max>“Dice a random number.”
!getroleid <@Role> “Returns the ID of a specific role.”

!setprefix <new predix> “Changes the server prefix.”

The bot is under development. You can express your bot wishes on our support server

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add FireSpark Discord Bot to my server?

You can add FireSpark to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add FireSpark Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: Custom [!]
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: QuerGamerTV#5726