Moderation Stuff
!kick <@Member> “Kicks a member from the server.”
!mute <@Member> “Mutes a member.”
!bann <@Member> “Bans a member from the server.”
!tempmute <@member> <time s/h 20s/1h>“Mutet a member X time long.”
!clear <count> “Deletes X messages.”
!moveall “Move all users of one voice channel to another.”
Status Role/Game Role
!srole add <@role> <status/game> “Automatically adds a role to a game/status while playing the game.”
!srole remove <srole id>“Deletes a sroll.”
!srole list “Lists the rolls. with the role ids”
Auto Channel
!autochannel add <channelID"Creates a channel that creates a new channel when you enter it."
!autochannel remove <autochannel ID>“Deletes a AutoChannel.”
!autochannel list “Lists the Autochannels. with the autochannel ID s”
Music - (Experimental in development -|- Opus Voice -> maximum quality!
!play <ytlink/serch> “Plays one song or a whole playlist”
!next “Plays the next song.”
!stop “Stops playback.”
!setvolume <1-100> “Changes the volume.”
!shuffle “Mixes the playlist.”
!sinfo “Shows the data of the current song.”
!getplaylist “Displays the playlist.”
!avatar <@Member> “Returns the profile image from the user.”
!jail <@Member> “Put the user in jail.”
!xmas <@Member> "Puts the user a Christmas cap on.
!cool <@Member> “Makes the user cooler.”
!meme “Search for a meme.”
Other Stuff
!dice <min> <max>“Dice a random number.”
!getroleid <@Role> “Returns the ID of a specific role.”
!setprefix <new predix> “Changes the server prefix.”
The bot is under development. You can express your bot wishes on our support server