The most simple moderation bot to use.
getting started :
- incase you are a new discord user you will need this simple guide to use our discord bot :
- first of all invite Flare to your server using this link : Flare Bot Invite
- make sure Flare bot has administrator permissions to use commands correctly
- for commands list you can run this command
in any text channel and not dms
Commands :
here is a list of all the commands that you can use
Moderation Commands
, !ban
, !softban
, !mute
, !unmute
, !purge
: kicks mentioned member from the guild
usage : !kick <@user> <reason(optional)>
: bans mentioned member from the guild
usage : !ban <@user> <reason(optional)>
: bans mentioned member from the guild for 1day and in most cases its not needed but its useful to have
usage : !softban <@user> <reason(optional)>
: mutes mentioned member for specified amount of time and a reason
usage : !mute <@user> <time> <reason>
: unmutes mentioned muted member
usage : !unmute <@user>
: deletes an amount of messages from range 1 / 99
usage : !purge <number of msg to delete>
Fun Commands
, !cat
, !dog
: sends a random meme generated from reddit
usage : !meme
: sends a cute cat image generated randomly from reddit
usage : !cat
sends a cute dog image generated randomly from reddit
usage : !dog
Custom (Utility) Commands
, !info
, !snipe
, !ping
: sends an embeded message of the bots info and statistics
usage : !bot
: sends an embeded message of the users info
usage: !info
: snipes any recent deleted message from any members
usage : !snipe
: pings the bots latency and websocket latency
usage : !ping
: Dicitionary Command
usage : !urban <word to search>
Why Pick Flare?
we provide high quality commands for free , stable bot, can use in any kind server