This bot is a fun little meme bot that will be improving over time. Suggestions are always welcome and lots more things will be added soon. If you need any help just join our discord. Use the command F!help and its sub commands F!helpfun and F!helpcurrency to start the small trip with our floppa bot. Keep flopping!
If it has “*” It Means More Will Be Added Here is a list of commands:
✯ General Commands
F!help - Shows All Commands * [Usage = F!help] [Aliases = F!h]
F!helpfun - Shows All The Commands In “Fun” Catagory * [Usage = F!helpfun] [Aliases = F!hf]
F!helpcurrency - Shows All The Commands In The “Currency” Catagory [Usage = F!helpcurrency] [Aliases = F!hc]
F!ping - Tests The Bot (Says “Pong” In Return) [Usage = F!ping] [Aliases = F!p]
F!info - Shows Info Of The Bot (Most Likely To Be Removed) [Usage = F!info] [Aliases = F!i]
F!changelog - Shows New Updates For The Bot [Usage = F!changelog] [Aliases = F!cl]
✯ Fun Commands
F!8ball - (A Normal 8ball Command That Responds in many different ways) [Usage = F!8ball ] (eg.(F!8ball will i succeed today?))
F!gay - (Is a “Gay” Calculator To Who Is Mentioned) [Usage = F!gay (On Self)] [F!gay <@mention>]
F!meme - (Grabs Random Memes From Subreddits) [Usage = F!meme]
(Bot User Suggestion That Has Been Added) F!song - Sends A Random Song That Is Used In Floppa Memes [Usage = F!song]
F!image - (Searches Any Image Or Gif To What Context Is Said) [Usage = F!image ] (eg.(F!image gif doggy))
F!urban - (Searchs Any “Definition” Of A What Context Is Said) [Usage = F!urban ] (eg.(F!urban ps5))
✯ Economy Commands
F!newprofile - (Creates a new profile for economy commands) [Usage = F!newprofile ] (NOTE!!!: Asks For A Business Name.) [Aliases = F!newp]
F!resetprofile - (Removes your profile for economy commands) [Usage = F!resetprofile] (NOTE!!!: Asks For You To Confirm By Reacting.)] [Aliases = F!resetp]
F!bal - (Checks Your Bal) [Usage = F!bal] [Usage = F!bal] [Aliases = F!b] [NOTE!!!:(F!newprofile is needed!!) [
F!addmoney - (Only For The Owner) [Usage = F!addmoney <@mention>] [Usage = F!addmoney (Adds Money To Self)]
F!removemoney - (Only For The Owner) [Usage = F!removemoney <@mention>] [Usage = F!removemoney (Removes Money To Self)]
F!shop - (Displays A Shop With Multiple Items That Can Be Bought) [Usage = F!shop] [Aliases = F!s]
F!buy - (Allows You To Buy Items In The Shop) [Usage = F!buy] [Aliases = F!b] (eg.(F!buy pistol)) (Other Items Are A Work In Progress)
F!inv - (Checks Your Inventory Of All The Items You Have) [Usage = F!inv]
F!work - (You Work For A Random Amount Of Floppa Tokens At McFloppa’s) [Usage = F!work] Note:Has A Cooldown of 10 Secs
F!profileinfo - (Shows Your Profile And The Amount Of Money Earned And Have) [Usage = F!profileinfo] Note: Only Works On Self.