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Care for virtual plants right in your Discord server

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Flower is a tiny bot for growing and taking care of flowers. Discord can be a scary place, so it’s nice to always have a flower garden for you to come back home to.

What do I do?

There are a few available plants in Flower, with more being added regularly. Taking care of them is pretty simple. All you need to do is p.water each of your plants every so often (plants will die after two days of not being watered).

How do I do stuff?

There’s just a few commands available within Flower, all of which can be run from your DMs.

  • p.shop
    • Run this to get new plants and more plant pots. After you run this you’ll be shown a menu of things you can buy - simply say the name of the item you want.
  • p.water [plant name]
    • Run this to water your plant
  • p.show <user> [plant name]
    • Show what one of someone’s plants looks like
  • p.deleteplant [plant name]
    • Delete one of your plants
  • p.exp <user>
    • See how much experience someone has
I’m good at pixel art!

You are? Nice! I’m not! I’m always looking for new plants to add to Flower, so if you have some pixel art you want to donate, or if you have commission prices set up, send me an email!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.