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Need some help to do the moderation on your server? FS0c13ty is here to do it in the shadows!

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Protect your server in the shadows

You can’t manage your community or you just want to feel safe on your server, FS0c13ty is here to help you.

For the moment the robot is still under development but already allows you to help yourself.

Be informed when one of your members arrives or leaves

Welcome message

Goodbye message

Be aware of what users are doing with the robot


Be careful, this feature only work in a channel called logs


Would you like to do a survey for your community? Use the command /survey and separate all your options with ; (semicolon).

A simple command



Kick a member of your server has never been so easy with the command /kick. You just have to mention the user you no longer wish to see. You can also add a reason but it is optional.

Kick a member


Ban a member of your server has never been so easy with the command /ban. You just have to mention the user you no longer wish to see. You can also add a reason but it is optional.

Ban a member

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