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[FTG] Lit Bot is a moderator, meme & fun discord bot developed by the [FTG] Clan.

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[FTG] Litest Boi is a moderator, meme & fun discord bot developed by the [FTG] Clan.

Bot commands:
?clear (wanted amount) - Clears the number of messages.

?invite - Invite the bot to your server.

?ban - ban the mentioned user.

?kick - kick the mentioned user.

?(wanted color) - changes the mentioned role color to the wanted color.

?100 - gives all the numbers to 100.

?abc - gives the alphabet.

?support - changes the mentioned user username to supporter.

?mod - changes the mentioned user username to mod.

?server gives all info on the server.

?youtube - searches youtube for your topic.

?google - search for something on google.

?8ball - ask the eight ball something.

?rps - play rock paper sisors with the bot.

?meme - look at some of the bots DANK memes!

Thanks for choosing Lit Bot for you discord needs!

RPS - https://imgur.com/gallery/NUkgdxx
Meme - https://imgur.com/gallery/0r3YTtd

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.