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Upvote Gamble Bot

The best virtual economy/casino bot. Loads of games, tons to spend on the stock market, currency miners and shop items!

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Command list
Command Description Example
/help Help command with helpful links /help
/vote Vote and earn up to $2m ($20k x vote streak) /vote
/donate Donate to help keep the bot running /donate
/leaderboard Check the top bank balances /leaderboard
/lbgold Check the top gold balances /lbgold
/boop Boop someone /boop @user
/hug Hug someone /hug @user
/kiss Kiss someone /kiss @user
/pat Pat someone /pat @user
/poke Poke someone /poke @user
/slap Slap someone /slap @user
/color Get a new message color /color
/private Hide your bot profile from others /private
/balance View your balance, or someone else’s /balance @user [optional]
/profile View your profile, or someone else’s /profile @user [optional]
/send Transfer amounts to other people /send (amount) @user
/exchange Exchange your tokens into gold /exchange (amount)
/deposit Deposit your tokens into your bank /deposit (amount)
/withdraw Withdraw tokens from your bank /withdraw (amount)
/invest Invest into stocks /invest (amount) (stock)
/sell Sell your stocks /sell (amount) (stock)
/buy Buy items from the gold shop /buy (item id)
/stocks View the available stocks /stocks
/goldshop View the gold shop and items /goldshop
/inventory View all your items and miners in your inventory /inventory
/work Get tokens every 10 minutes and maintain a streak for a bonus /work
/hourly Get tokens every hour /hourly
/daily Get tokens every day /daily
/weekly [Donator cmd] Get tokens every week /weekly
/mysterybox Unbox a mystery box /mysterybox
/legendarybox Unbox a legendary mystery box /legendarybox
/godlybox Unbox a godly mystery box /godlybox
/bet Quick bet and win up to 2x /bet (amount)
/coinflip Choose between heads or tails and win up to 2x /coinflip (amount) (choice)
/crash Play instant crash with endless multipliers /crash (amount) (multiplier)
/roulette Play roulette and win up to 2x, 2x and 35x /roulette (amount) (choice)
/rps Play rock paper scissors and win up to 3x /rps (amount) (choice)
/slots Play slots and win up to 10x /slots (amount)
/wager Play against other users /wager @user
/highlow Decide between higher or lower and win up to 2x /highlow (amount)
/dice Play dice and win up to 6x /dice (amount)
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