A great discord bot for Linux communities. It has moderation features, a bunch of fun commands, plus a number of exclusive features such as the distro
command, which sends a random Linux distro, or the reminder
command, with which you can set up reminders! The possibilites are endless, and its all in your hands. The bot is also open source, and you can use the code without crediting me.
Command list:
meme - sends a random meme from a variety of subreddits.
hello - greets in a random language.
distro - sends a random Linux distro.
bsd - sends a random BSD distro.
reddit - sends a random post from the specified subreddit.
echo - repeats the sent message (includes safety measures such as preventing @everyone and @here pings).
randnum - sends a random number between 1 and 10,000.
respond - a command similar to 8ball.
ubuntu - sends a random Ubuntu version.
dm - DMs the sender with the given message.
rubbish - sends random pronounciable words.
ban - bans the specified member.
mute - mutes the specified member.
kick - kicks the specified member.
warn - warns the specified member.
help - shows a list of commands.
ping - displays the ping of the bot.
about - shows information about the bot.
license - sends the license of the bot.
github - sends the source code link.
invite - shows the bot invite link.
pi - sends a website with the first 1,000,000 digits of PI.
ptable - sends the link to an interavtive periodic table of elements.
reminder - sets a reminder to send in the specified amount of time.
As you can see, the bot is packed with fun and useful features! I am adding new features constantly, and the bot will (hopefuly) improve over time. So why don’t you add the bot now? It will enhance the experience and it’s free!