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Upvote Generation Bot

Dumb simple bot to generate images, HTML Files, jokes and so much more! 24/7 Uptime at a 99% uptime rate!

Back to Generation Bot
Generation Bot is a simple bot for the simplest of generations, we generate HTML Files with your text messages and even Roblox Studio rbxlx files with your text. Included in that we have Images, Jokes, Games, and so much more to come! Below is a list of our current commands!
24/7 Uptime at a 99% uptime rate!

[p]roblox [message] - generates a roblox studio text file

[p]webpage [message] - generates an html file with the text.

[p]joke - sends a random joke. (thanks to: https://icanhazdadjoke.com/)

[p]password - generates a random string for a strong password (dm’s)

[p]quote - sends a random quote

[p]dogfacts - sends a dog fact

[p]dogimage - sends a dog image

[p]meme - sends a random meme thanks to https://api.ksoft.si/

[p]wasted [@plr] - Generates an image with that users avatar as GTA wasted

[p]jail [@plr] - Generates the avatar in a prison cell

[p]rps [rock, paper, scissors] - play rock paper scissors with the bot!

[p]invite - Sends an invite link to get our bot!

[p]help - sends a link to this command page! (dm’s)

[p]uptime - sends the bot’s uptime info

[p]ping - sends back a Ping Latency in ms

[p]birb - sends a bird image

[p]avatar [@plr] - sends avatar of the chosen user

[p]qr [message] - generates a QR code for the text

[p]dbl - sends the dbl stats for the bot
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.