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Giveaway Bot has commands that are easy to understand and use!
Its a multi-purpose bot that has multiple commands that are useful to servers:
- g!start [channel] [duration] [winners] [prize] : To start the giveaway
- g!reroll [ID message] : To choose another winner
- g!end [ID message] : To end the giveaway before the time expires
- g!botinfo: Displays information of the bot
- g!corona {country}: Shows covid stats
- g!docs [query]: Displays djs information on the query
- g!emojis: Lists all of the emojis in the current server
- g!membercount: Displays the amount of members in the current server
- g!ping: Shows the current ping
- g!serverinfo: Displays information of the current server
- g!weather [city]: Displays the weather in the city specified
- g!help: To show the list of commands
- g!meme: Send a meme from r/dankmemes
- g!enlarge [emoji]: Enlarges the emoji mentioned
- g!scramble: Sends a word for you to scramble
- g!poll [channel] [question]: Sends a poll with the question specified in the mentioned channel
- g!set-prefix [prefix]: Changes the guilds prefix to the desired prefix
- g!support: Displays an invite link to the support server of the bot
- g!invite: Displays an invite link of the bot<
You can join our support server.