Nakano Miku Discord Bot Logo

Nakano Miku Discord Bot

Invite Nakano Miku Bot to your server and start a giveaway with its commands. Get the chance to win amazing prizes with Nakano Miku Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in February

Nakano Miku Discord Bot Described:

A Mentionable Giveaway bot . Member with Manage Messages or Administrator Perm can start a giveaway . It will ping @everyone in giveaway no need to extra ping (Optional)
Giveaway Ping

A Giveaway Bot which will mention @everyone in every giveaway (Make Sure bot has the Perm to do it.)


g!start - See how to start ,end or reroll a giveaway.
g!starte - See how to start, end and reroll a giveaway with @everyone ping.
g!invite - Bot Invite link and support Server Link.
g!ping - Your Ping.
g!reroll - Reroll a giveaway.
g!end - End a giveaway.

How to start a giveaway?

To start a giveaway Type : g!start [#channel-name] [Duration] [Winner(s)] [Giveaway Name]
Example:g!start #general-chat 1h 1 Nitro Classic

How to start a giveaway with @everyone Ping?

To start a giveaway Type : g!start [#channel-name] [Duration] [Winner(s)] [Giveaway Name]
Example:g!starte #general-chat 1h 1 Nitro Classic

Maybe Important

[#channel-name] - Mention the channel where you want to start a giveaway .
[Duration] - How longer your ggiveaway is .
1m - 1 Minute
1h - 1 Hour
1d - 1 Day
[Winner(s)] - Amount of winner(s) of your giveaway.
[Giveaway Name] - Name of your Giveaway

How to end a giveaway?

g!end [Message ID of the giveaway which you want to end]
Example - g!end 794561233412

How to Reroll a Giveaway?

g!reroll [Message ID of the giveaway which you want to reroll]
Example - g!reroll 7946513223545

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Nakano Miku Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Nakano Miku to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Nakano Miku Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: g!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Fire 🔥#0001