A multiple purpose Discord bot with Moderation, Embeds, Say, Fun and Other command.
Prefix: !
Support server: https://discord.gg/wJQ7vUT
Commands: You can get list of avaible commands using !help
command (But make sure that you must have DM message from members enabled or it wont work)
Please add the bot to your server and vote for it to make the bot famous.
The bot is still in BETA so they can be bugs (Please report them to support server). I will be very pleased and as soon as the bot is no longer in beta. We are still making new commands join support server for more info.
You can also receive news from support server to your servers. Just ask for it on support server. You can also set what role will be pinged on your server.
Do you need support? - Join our support server and DM Gold bot Support bot with your message or use !support-message
command on your server
We are finding Moderators members and support team members on our support server.