Guess the Number or else… this guy’s face says it all
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
A simple yet fun bot (Also my first)
Guess the 3 digit number I am thinking of between 100 and 999 (both inclusive)
The bot uses the #? prefix and only has 3 commands: help, guess, and end
- The help command serves as a quick way to get started
- The guess command starts the guessing game, in which you have 10 tries to guess a randomly generated 3 digit number
- The end command ends the game before the number is guessed or no tries are left
- The bot also reacts to the numbers through sending emojis depending on if they’re right or wrong
Note that I cannot guarantee that the bot will be online 24/7. However, I will do my best to make sure it is online from 12pm - 11pm (GMT +8)