Guess the Number Discord Bot Logo

Guess the Number Discord Bot

Full Guess the Number Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Fun commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

Guess the Number Discord Bot Described:

The bot allows users to guess a randomly generated 3 digit number between 100 and 999 (both inclusive)
Guess the Number or else… this guy’s face says it all

A simple yet fun bot (Also my first)
Guess the 3 digit number I am thinking of between 100 and 999 (both inclusive)
The bot uses the #? prefix and only has 3 commands: help, guess, and end

  • The help command serves as a quick way to get started
  • The guess command starts the guessing game, in which you have 10 tries to guess a randomly generated 3 digit number
  • The end command ends the game before the number is guessed or no tries are left
  • The bot also reacts to the numbers through sending emojis depending on if they’re right or wrong

Note that I cannot guarantee that the bot will be online 24/7. However, I will do my best to make sure it is online from 12pm - 11pm (GMT +8)

Sample Game

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Guess the Number Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Guess the Number to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Guess the Number Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: #?
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: StanMarshthedarsh#0385