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GuhBot (Derived from its owner GuhBean#8433), a Python 3.8 bot to add some action within your server. GuhBot is a major add-on for when you are looking to have some fun in your server.

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   _____       _     ____        _   
  / ____|     | |   |  _ \      | |  
 | |  __ _   _| |__ | |_) | ___ | |_ 
 | | |_ | | | | '_ \|  _ < / _ \| __|
 | |__| | |_| | | | | |_) | (_) | |_ 
  \_____|\__,_|_| |_|____/ \___/ \__|                      

GuhBot (Derived from its owner GuhBean#8433), a Python 3.8 bot to add some action within your server. GuhBot is a major add-on for when you are looking to have some fun in your server. Handle games, memes, roleplay, and even moderation, all in one simple package.

😂 Meme Commands that 🔍 find Fresh Memes on the internet!

🤑 Use Animated Emojis! Even without Nitro, you can have the luxury of animated emojis

🎮 Minigames and Fun commands 🎱!

💬 AI Generated chat! You can have conversations with GuhBot! Isn’t that crazy?

🛠️ Moderation commands for them pesky rule breakers!

🎲 Roleplay commands for your Dungeons and Dragons campaigns!

🍵 Interactive commands to make friends in your server!

⚙️ Server Utility, some useful commands I see!

🕑 Available 24/7, GuhBot is hosted overnight too!

🌐 Custom Prefixes to add variety in your server!

🔰 Beginner Friendly commands. Minimal Setup!

😷 Get current COVID-19 stats for specific countries too!

🌟 Active Support and Frequent Updates!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.