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Upvote Halopedia

A Discord bot that lets members search for an article over halopedia.org; it’ll fetch it nicely and offer pagination. Optionnally, the bot can automatically post @Halopedia’s latest tweets.

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Unofficial Halopedia Discord Bot ?

A Discord bot that lets members search for an article over halopedia.org; it’ll fetch it nicely and offer pagination. Optionnally, the bot can automatically post @Halopedia’s latest tweets.

Full list of available commands

You can get the full list of available commands by typing !halopedia help. If you changed the default prefix, you’ll have to use it with the help command. Please find below the default ones in English:

General commands

  • !halopedia help : Displays this message.
  • !halopedia search your search terms: I will look for a page on Halopedia.org that matches best your search terms.
  • !halopedia latest tweet: I will reply with the latest tweet from Halopedia’s Twitter account.
  • !halopedia invite: get an link to invite this bot to your own servers.

Admin commands

  • !halopedia auto-tweet #channel: I will automatically post Halopedia’s latest tweets in the given channel.
  • !halopedia auto-tweet disable: Use this command to stop me from automatically posting Halopedia’s tweets.
  • !halopedia prefix your-prefix-for-me: I will answer to you-prefix-for-me instead of the default !halopedia.
  • !halopedia uninstall: the bot will delete everything it stored about this Discord server and will leave it.
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.