Logo for Hangman

Upvote Hangman

A fun bot where you can play a guessing game with a random movie name generated by the bot or play two player with your friend.

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Game Description:

hangman is a game where you will have 7 tries to guess a movie name
there is a 20sec gap between each try

There are two modes after the ‘-hangman’ command

note: choose mode using ‘1’ or ‘2’

mode 1: bot chooses a random movie for you to guess.
mode 2: bot sends player 1 a dm to ask for a secret movie(could be any word’)
player two will have to enter start in the main channel to continue.

commands list :

  • -hangman -> play either single player or 2player in hangman
  • -score me -> get your individual score from the leaderboard
  • -lederboard -> check the leaderboard for your server
  • -config -> change prefix for your server ,default[-]
  • -help -> get the list of commands

*note:*default prefix of bot is ‘-’

For :
bug reports || suggestions || questions
join our support server

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