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Upvote Hashbot

Actively scanning & securing your servers from DM spammers & impersonators, using a pre-made - customizable blocklist. Hashbot can scan your user list and retroactively ban bad actors. 🔥🔥🔥

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Discord is FULL of bad actors. Hashbot is a premium Discord moderation bot whose primary role is to block problematic usernames on your server.

Hashbot expertly manages usernames and profile images on your server, freeing up your moderators to focus on what matters.

Start with Hashbot’s powerful protection for free, using a blocklist of up to 3 keywords, or subscribe today for unlimited blocklist capabilities and unleash the full potential!

Need some assistance to get started? Check out our User Guide, join our Discord, or email us at hello@hashbot.io.

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Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.