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- Hastebot is a bot coded by KoUtarOu#4104 to make easier upload on hastebin directly from discord. It only has main commands and just focus on one thing that is pasting your code/text on hasteb.in
- Sharing code is a good thing, and it should be really easy to do it. A lot of times, I want to show you something I’m seeing - and that’s where we use pastebins.
- Haste is the prettiest, easiest to use pastebin ever made.
- You can use this bot from its DM or from the server. You can Follow the commands below or type
in Bot’s DM.
Shows the help menuinfo
Gives you the Bot infohaste
Paste any text to hastebinping
Shows the Bot ping
- Please spread this bot as much as you can and help me to get a verified bot developer badge!