,Havoc Discord Bot Logo

,Havoc Discord Bot

Invite Havoc Bot to your server and use its Moderation, Utility, Emoji, Server, Fun and Music commands. Get the Discord Bot now!

0 upvotes in February

,Havoc Discord Bot Described:

,Havoc has a variety of commands with categories ranging from the following: moderation, miscellaneous (or utility), emojis, server, fun and music.
🧹 Botclear

The command that is most used across all servers is the botclear command which… clears recent messages from bots & messages that start with common bot prefixes (which can be configured), here’s a gif to illustrate exactly what it does

🌍 Translation

Another commonly used command is the translate command which works by making use of Google Translate as shown below you it will translate messages into English by default or into another language specified by a flag.

🛠️ Moderation

There are the usual moderation commands (mute, kick, softban, ban) and warns with customisable punishments along with many others.

Moderation actions through the bot can be kept track of via modlogs.

💡 Suggestions

Any user can suggest something which will be sent to the configured suggestions channel (or #suggestions by default).

Which can be either be approved or denied with an optional reason.

🎉 Giveaways

A giveaway can be started with an inputted: duration, amount of possible winners and the prize itself.

These can also be rerolled or ended.

👋 Welcomer

Sends a nice welcome message to the configured welcomer channel along with one for when the user leaves the server (with their last words if it can be found).

😩 Emojis

The bot comes with many custom emoji commands that are particularly useful for users without Discord Nitro (users require the HavocEmojis role to be able to use them).

📝 Tags

Users can create customisable tags with the inputted content.

aaaand here’s the rest of the stuff

  • Join the support server here
  • Invite me to your server here
  • View the GitHub repository here
Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add ,Havoc Discord Bot to my server?

You can add ,Havoc to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add ,Havoc Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: ,
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Havoc#7078