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Herald is a bot designed to give you fast, easy to read League of Legends data.

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Herald is an easy to use, yet powerful League of Legends bot designed to give you lightning fast user data.

While our main focus is user data, we also have fun commands to display memes, or a soundboard.
Herald has unique features to display user playtime, and more!

Active development, 24/7 online

Herald Screenshot
Herald Screenshot
Herald Screenshot
Herald Screenshot
Herald Screenshot

When no region is specified in a command, Herald will default to EUW. This can be changed per user with the command
h!defaultregion (region)
| eg h!defaultregion euw

status (region or all)
Displays server status
| eg h!status all

Displays current free champion rotatin
| eg h!rotation

profile (user) (region (optional))
Displays user profile
| eg h!profile nekrosrn euw

playtime (user) (region (optional))
Displays user playtime
| eg h!playtime nekrosrn euw

mastery (user) (region (optional))
Displays user’s top mastery
| eg h!mastery nekrosrn euw

champions (user) (region (optional))
Displays user’s most played champions, lanes + a pie chart
| eg h!champions nekrosrn euw

And more!

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