Logo for Hexx

Upvote Hexx

A bot that is WIP, fun, and does moderation stuff.

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To run a command in your server, use h! command or @Hexx#9548 command. For example, h! prefix or @Hexx#9548 prefix.
To run a command in a DM, simply use command with no prefix.

Use help <command> to view detailed information about a specific command.
Use help all to view a list of all commands, not just available ones.

Available commands in your server:

Admin-Only Commands
ban: Bans a member/bot. Note: Bot role needs to be higher than the member/bot.
kick: Kicks a member/bot. Note: Bot role needs to be higher than the member/bot.
slowmode: Slowmodes a channel.

Important or Not-Important Stuff.
invite: Sends invite link in embed form.
servercount: Shows the server count in embed form.
subc: Shows GenerationShops#9825’s sub count.

Fun Commands!
kill: Kills people!
lyrics: Searches for your lyrics desired.
meme: Gives you a random meme.
minesweeper: Plays minesweeper.
nuke: Nukes people!
say: Says what you would like.

groups: Lists all command groups.
enable: Enables a command or command group.
disable: Disables a command or command group.
reload: Reloads a command or command group.
load: Loads a new command.
unload: Unloads a command.

help: Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.
prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix.
ping: Checks the bot’s ping to the Discord server.
eval: Executes JavaScript code.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.