This bot have 5 commands group:animals,bot,extra,info,medaration. You can request random animal,meme,wink,pat. You can check corona virus status,someone instagram and ping. I will add more things soon…
Commands (total 39):
hx!help - help menu
hx!bird - random bird image
hx!dog - random dog image
hx!cat - random cat image
hx!koala - random koala image
hx!fox - random fox image
hx!pikachu - randam pikachu image
hx!wasted [user] - GTA wasted avatar overlay
hx!green [user] - green color avatar overlay
hx!red [user] - red color avatar overlay
hx!gay [user] - gay flag avatar overlay
hx!glass [user] - glass avatar overlay
hx!hug - hugs user
hx!ping - get user ping and api ping
hx!clear - clear messages in channel
hx!kick - kick member
hx!unban - unban user
hx!ig - info about selected user instagram
hx!binary - text to binary
hx!cb - message to chatbot
hx!sepia - sepia tinting
hx!wink - random wink
hx!user-info [user] - info about user
hx!meme - random meme
hx!corona [country] - info abour corona virus
hx!decode - text to decode
hx!gsc [user] - Greyscaling an image
hx!brightness [user] - might make light theme an even worse option
hx!server-info - info about server
hx!bot-info - info about bot
hx!oldest - odlest member in guild
hx!youngest - youngest member in guild
hx!8ball - question to 8ball
<> = required, [] = optional