Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.
{} - Required Parameters,
() - Optional Parameters,
[] - Extensions
- Help (Group_Name/Command_Name)
- [Un]Ban {user} (reason)
- Kick {user} (reason)
- [Un]Mute {user} (reason)
- Staffcheck
- Whois (user)
- Serverinfo
- Invite
- rip - A fun command
- [Issues/Suggest] - Report any issues or suggestions to the github
- Avatar (user)
- Uptime
- Fetchban {userID} - (Errors, being worked on)
- Purge {messageNo.}
- Joinrole {role_Name} - Join a role that does not have any staff-like permissions
- Announce {channel_mention} {announcement_message} - Errors (being worked on)
- Join {set/remove} (channel_mention) - Set user join channel
- Messages delete {set/remove} (channel_mention) - Set message deletion logs channel (includes by bulk)
- Modlogs {set/remove} (channel_mention) - Set server modlogs channel (for role changes, channel changes etc.)
- Panel - View the current settings for the guild (If none then displays None - Rather than undefined)