Logo for Idle Communist

Upvote Idle Communist

A grindy/idle game that revolves around good ol' potatoes

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List of commands
.buy (buy an item from the shop)
.collect (collect income from comrades)
.comrades (display your comrades information)
.farm (main income of the game (subject to change))
.feed (make sure your comrades are well fed)
.leaderboard (shows top 10 users by balance)
.profile (displays your own profile (subject to change))
.reset (reset all your progress)
.shop (view the shop)
.start (start your journey)
.upgrade (view and purchase upgrades)
.use (uses the only boost (vodka))
.boosts (displays active boosts and multipliers from upgrades)
.color (set the color of your embeds (some are not affected))
.cooldowns (check your cooldowns)
.daily (claim your daily reward)
.help (shows all commands or more information on one command)
.invite (invite links)
.ping (latency of the bot)
.prefix (view or change the prefix for your server)
.stats (bot stats)
.vote (vote for the bot)

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.