Cool new bot:
a!create [emoji]: steals a emoji of your choice and adds it to the server
a!creategif [emoji]: steals an emoji gif of your choice and adds it to your server.
Info Discord Bot
Invite the Bot to your server and use the commands to steal emojis and get Covid-19 stats. Enjoy the full Discord Bot experience!
0 upvotes in JanuaryInfo Discord Bot Described:
Easy emoji stealing + more, our service allows you to search Covid-19 stats, and a lot more information try it out for yourself.Frequently Asked Questions
How do I add Info Discord Bot to my server?
You can add Info to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Info Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots
Meet the largest in-app indie game on Discord. A currency and fishing game for catching creatures, collecting items, robbing your friends, taking care of pets, building skills, and more!