Invite Tracker Commands
Discover the full list of Invite Tracker commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the Invite Tracker Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.
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Here are the Commands for Invite Tracker Bot:
- /help command - Displays the help page with all commands or the in-depth explanation for the provided command.
- /giveaway create prize duration winners channel dm_winners dm_entry_validation winners_roles messages_required roles_required roles_bonus_entries - Create a giveaway in your server.
- /giveaway end message_id - End a running giveaway.
- /giveaway delete message_id - Delete a running giveaway.
- /giveaway list - List all running giveaways in your server.
- /giveaway reroll message_id winner_amount - Draw new winners for the provided giveaway.
- /addinvites user amount - Add regular invites to a specific member.
- /removeinvites user amount - Remove regular invites from a specific user.
- /resetinvites user role target - Reset the invites for a specific user or for the whole server.
- /addbonus user amount - Add bonus invites to a specific user.
- /removebonus user amount - Remove bonus invites from a specific user.
- /addfakeinvites user amount - Add fake invites to a specific user.
- /removefakeinvites user amount - Remove fake invites from a specific user.
- /addmessages user amount - Add messages to a member.
- /removemessages user amount - Remove messages from a member.
- /resetmessages user role target - Reset the message count for a specific user or for the whole server.
- /verify - Request the bot to DM you the verification message.
- /forceverify user - Force verifies a member of the server.
- /syncinvites user - Synchronize the current invites uses with the bot for the whole server or for a specific member.
- /permscheck - Check if the bot is missing any permissions for it to work properly.
- /deleteinvite invite_code - This command will delete the invite associated to the provided invite code in the server.
- /cleanup search - Cleans up the bot's messages from the channel.
- /massban user invite_code - Ban every user that were invited by the specified user or joined using the specified invite code.
- /exportleaderboard leaderboard_type - Export the leaderboard of the specificied type in a .csv file.
- /premium add server_id - Activate one premium subscription of Invite Tracker in the current server or a specific server.
- /premium remove server_id - Remove the premium subscription of Invite Tracker from the current server or from a specific server.
- /premium list - List of all your current premium slots.
- /premium link - Displays the link to the Patreon page where you can subcribe to Invite Tracker premium.
- /about - Displays information about the bot.
- /ping - Get the ping for Invite Tracker in your server.
- /add - Invite the Invite Tracker bot in your server.
- /support - Join the Invite Tracker's support server.
- /dashboard - Displays the dashboard link to configure the bot.
- /vote - Displays the link to vote for the bot on
- /variables - Displays the link to the variables that you can use in join, leave and join dm messages.
- /documentation - Displays the link for the documentation.
- /serverinfo - Displays important information about the server.
- /roleinfo role - Displays useful information about the mentioned role.
- /leaderboard invites type role - Displays the top inviters of the server.
- /leaderboard messages type role - Displays the top messengers of the server.
- /stats joins - Displays your server joins members history with a graph.
- /stats leaves - Displays your server leaves members history with a graph.
- /userinfo user - Displays some information about yourself or the mentionned member one.
- /inviter user - Displays who invited the mentioned member.
- /invitedlist user invite_code - Displays who someone or a specific invite code has invited.
- /findlink mobile_mode - Return the first invite link you own found in the guild's invite links.
- /invitecodes user - Displays all invite code(s) for you or the mentioned member.
- /invites user - Displays your invitations or the mentioned member ones.
- /messages user - Displays the amount of messages sent by yourself or the mentioned member.