ping {ip}
Pings a server of your choice
proxy {ip}
Detects if server is proxy or not
domain {website}
Gives websites ipv4 address
geoip {ip}
Finds location of the ip
portscan {ip}
Port scans a ip address
clean {amount}
Deletes messages
Deletes ALL messages in current channel
kick {user}
Kicks a member from the server
ban {user}
Bans a user from the server
unban {user}
Unbans a user from the server
say {Message}
Go Ahead Make the Bot Say Something
Tells A joke :laughing:
Tells a quote :thinking:
IP TOOLS Discord Bot
Get IP Tools Bot for your Discord server, with IP lookup and other tools commands. Invite IP Tools Discord Bot today!
0 upvotes in OctoberIP TOOLS Discord Bot Described:
Just for people intersted in ipsFrequently Asked Questions
How do I add IP TOOLS Discord Bot to my server?
You can add IP TOOLS to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add IP TOOLS Discord Bot' on this page.More Discord Bots
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