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Ip tools how more simple can it get

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ping [ip]
Pings a server of your choice
tcpping [ip] [port]
TCP pings a server
proxy [ip]
Detects if server is proxy or not
domain [website]
Gives websites ipv4 address
geoip [ip]
Finds location of the ip
dns [ip/website]
Turns website/ip into a DNS server
portscan [ip] [port/range]
Port scans a ip address
example: >portscan [1-1000/80]
ipstorage [add/read] [username] [ip]
Stores ips for users
ddos [Method] [Ip] [port]
It is down rn
This give u a random vaild ip
proxgen [type]
gives u a list of proxys

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