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Jinkaku is a Roleplay bot built for roleplay servers. You can create multiple profiles, setup an economy, and more.

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Jinkaku is a Roleplay bot built for roleplay servers. You can create multiple profiles, setup an economy, and more.

Who is this bot made for?
This bot is made for serious roleplay servers, who want an advanced economy or the ability for users to talk in their characters.
Using webhooks, users are able to talk in their characters by using a prefix.

Just invited the bot, how do I setup it up?
For Server Owners, you don’t need to set it up. It’s just invite and you’re good to go! assuming you don’t screw up the permissions
For Users, they will have to setup a character by doing rp!create (character name). You are able to few the customisation commands by doing rp!cmds profile.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.