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〢KAKASHI 〢 is a multipurpose bot which have moderation commands, fun commands, Game commands and Information commands and much more which a normal bot can do in any discord server

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Kakashi Info

A normal discord bot that does everyhing others discord bot would do.


These are the commands of Kakashi Bot.

#1. 😁F͟u͟n͟

☛changemymind | clyde | discordnitro | emojify | joke | meme | pat | usersay | wink | hug | jail | kiss | slap | spank |

#2. 👑U͟͟͟t͟͟͟i͟͟͟l͟͟͟i͟͟͟t͟͟͟i͟͟͟e͟͟͟s͟͟͟

☛contact | invite | reportbug | website | embed | hello | help | ping | uptime |

#3. 📖G͟e͟n͟e͟r͟a͟l͟

☛playstore | ai | ascii | instagram | shortlink | timer | wikipedia | covid | fact | invitetrack |

#4. ⚽G͟a͟m͟e͟s͟

☛dare | pokemon | poker | truth |

#5. 📷I͟m͟a͟g͟e͟

☛avatar | baka | cat | color | enlarge | ohno | pikachu | trash | triggered | trump | wasted |

#6. 🎩I͟n͟f͟o͟r͟m͟a͟t͟i͟o͟n͟

☛weather | animesearch | botinfo | channelinfo | emoji | perms | role | serverinfo | userinfo |

#7. 🛠M͟o͟d͟e͟r͟a͟t͟i͟o͟n͟

☛ban | clear | clearwarn | hackban | kick | nickname | report | say | slowmode | snipe | warn | warnings | welcome |

#8. 🎶M͟u͟s͟i͟c͟

☛kakashimusic | youtube |

#9. 🔐S͟e͟r͟v͟e͟r͟

☛backup | vote |

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.