Logo for Kaori

Upvote Kaori

A high quality discord music bot 24/7 support audio from Apple Music, Deezer, Facebook, SoundCloud, Spotify, & YouTube

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To use this bot prefix is k!, for check the help commands list you can use k!help or check detailed the specific commands you can use k!help [commands]. Join the support server for more help!

Kaori Bot

Commands List

bassboost: Enables bass boosting audio effect
bump: Moves a track to the front of the queue.
clear: Clears the server queue
config: Edit the bot settings
disconnect: Stop the music and leave the voice channel
grab: Saves the current song to your Direct Messages
help: Information about the bot
invite: To invite me to your server
loop: Loop the current song
loopqueue: Loop the whole queue
lyrics: Shows the lyrics of the song searched
move: Moves a track to a specified position.
nowplaying: See what song is currently playing
pause: Pauses the music
play: Play your favorite songs
queue: Shows all currently enqueued songs
remove: Remove a song from the queue
resume: Resumes the music
search: Shows a result of songs based on the search query
seek: Seek to a position in the song
shuffle: Shuffles the queue
skip: Skip the current song
skipto: Skip to a song in the queue
stats: Get information about the bot
volume: Check or change the current volume
youtube: Starts a YouTube Together session

Enjoy, have a nice day!

Bot made by. Devin#3583

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.