🐱Karu is a bot at the moment focused on roleplay.
☕I would appreciate your support to continue improving and implementing many more features for you. A simple vote for you, is a great help and incentive for me.
Do you want to know what’s new with the bot?
Comannds- All my commands work with:
- Optional
/ Required<>
- You can use
k-h command
to get more info about each command. - List of commands v0.7.12
Command | Description | Aliases | Variables |
8ball | You want me to guess your future? English only | lucky , 8b |
<Message> |
bola8 | ¿Quieres que adivine tu futuro? Only spanish | b8 |
<Message> |
say | You can send a message through me | send |
<Message> |
embed | Similar to say, but Embed type | embedsay , esay |
<Message> |
Command | Description | Aliases | Variables |
cat | Show pictures of kittens | c , meow , kitty , kittens , gatos |
None |
avatar | Shows the avatar of you or some user | av |
[mention] |
captcha | Captcha bot. | norobot |
Text |
delete | Delete this | dthis |
None |
memehub | PH meme | mhub |
Text1, Text2 |
thinking | Random emoji 🤔 | thinkemoji |
None |
transformice | Displays images to use as a profile picture | tf , tpic |
None |
wasted | Bruh, no need to explain | None | None |
magik | Distort images. (png, jpeg, NO GIF) | None | Image/url/mention |
dog | Shows pictures of puppies | dg , woof , inu , perros , perro |
None |
neko | It shows pictures of girls with little ears | fgirl ,cgirl |
None |
achievement | Achievement unlock | minecraft , mine ,achieve |
<Text1 | Text2> |
Command | Description | Aliases | Variables |
blush | Are you blushing about something or someone? | brr ,bl |
None |
cry | Don’t feel sad, if you are, use this command to express it. | crying ,llorar ,sad |
None |
dab | Make a dab | None | None |
eat | Did they make you want to eat? | nom |
None |
dance | You ever just start dancing like that because you did? | None | None |
doubt | Did someone say something and you don’t know what they said or anys | ? |
None |
disgust | Generate action: ‘be upset’ | upset |
None |
laugh | React with a laugh | None | None |
Command | Description | Aliases | Variables |
bite | Bite someone | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
hug | Give hugs to one or more people | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
kill | kills one or more people with this command | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
kiss | Kiss one or more people | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
lick | Lick one or more people | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
pat | Caress one or more people | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
slap | Slap one or more people | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
bang | Bullets to one or more people | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
insult | insults one or more users | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
cuddle | To cuddle with someone | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
Command | Description | Aliases | Variables |
help | Displays a help menu | h , ayuda |
<name/alias> [Command name] |
invite | Invite the bot with the link that will show you | inv ,share ,invitar |
None |
ping | Displays the latency of the bot with the Discord API and the time it takes to send the message from the karu server | p ,pong |
None |
sinfo | View current server information | sinfo , si ,server |
None |
uinfo | View your information inside the server or a user | uinfo ,ui |
[@user] |
covid | Displays information regarding covid-19 statistics | cov ,corona ,coronavirus |
[city/list/global] |
infoinv | Review information from a Discord invitation | ii |
None |
Command | Description | Aliases | Variables |
boobs | Send images of boobs | boob |
None |
egasm | Generates “gasm” emojis | emojigasm ,gasm |
None |
fuck | Fucks one or more people at a time | bang |
<@user> [@user2]... |
spank | Spank whoever you want. | None | <@user> [@user2]... |
hentai | Show sexual images and gifs from the world of anime | hen |
<rc/list> |
rule34 | It shows content “rule 34” | //r34 | <rc/list/search> |