Logo for Karyl

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Kill monsters, complete quests, roll waifus, clear floors , join guilds, battle other players and more!

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Getting Started

First you would need an account. The default prefix is k!, you can change it by typing k!setprefix but you would need the Manage Server permission. Type k!create to create an account, you can choose Aether or Lumine as your starting character! After that, type k!guide starting for a in depth guide on how to play Karyl.

Whats so special about Karyl?

Unlike other Genshin Impact Discord Bots, Karyl doesn’t only have a rolling feature but it also has many other features as mentioned before. I want to make people who can’t play Genshin Impact due to having a bad phone or pc to be able to play it on Discord instead.

Upcoming Features

You may not know this but Karyl is a one man developed Discord Bot, I always have burn outs and thus some features have not been added but are halfway done when writing this.

Multi Language Support
Partner Servers
A more detailed and complicated battle system

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.