Logo for KermitBot

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A nice fun addition to your server.

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Made by ๖̶̶̶ζ͜͡Anonymous2™#1161This bot is a music bot, it allows you to play any youtube video you want in a voice channel. Do this by typing (Search/YT Link)This bot is a moderation bot, it allows you to use quick commands to manage your server and make it clean and a nicer experience for members. This bot is also a chat bot, you can use it to talk to your friends with >say (text) And say has a link and ping filter included

Permissions needed for the bot: Connect to voice channel Speak in voice channel Send messages Ban/kick members Manage messages(to delete command messages)

Well thanks for inviting my bot! Enjoy it!

PS: When our bot restarts for changes its only down for a few seconds so you will not have problems with it going offline! And i also have permission to make invites to your server through my bot at any time

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.