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Upvote Koticc

Music, moderation, currency, and so much more. Join us on a journey to make the best bot possible

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$s : plays rock paper scissors
s: sissors
r: rock
p: paper
EX: $s r
$follower : Shows tiktok follower count
EX: $follower tony_lopez
$bio : Shows tiktok bio
EX: $bio tony_lopez
$n (Admin only) : changes nickname
EX: $n @caca nickname_goes_here

$info : Shows tiktok info
EX: $info tony_lopez
$play: playes music
EX: $play chug jug

$stop: stops
playing music

$volume: changes music volume
EX: $volume 69
$rr: reaction role (admin only)
EX: $rr react for verify role
gives info about currency, shop, inventory
Here are the currency related commands
shows your or the mentions account bal
EX: $bal
EX: $bal @doge
gives you coins
cooldown: 4m


gives the mention coins from your account

EX: $give @doge 69

shows you everything you can buy (Each item has a purpose, but you have to find the purpose out yourself)

robs the mention with a 60% chance of backfire
EX: $rob @person

shows your inventory

mines dogecoin(to dogecoin is coins divided by 69)
if you have a good pc it mines more
cooldown: 1h
converts all dogecoin in your to coins and adds it to your account

shows your dogecoin bal

buys an item from the store
EX: $buy gaming pc


makes a tiktok

our website is https://sites.google.com/view/koticc/home

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