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Laser Bot is a custom all-purpose bot where you can: Play with the Miscellaneous commands, Moderate server members, Open tickets and so much more!

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Bot Name: Laser Bot

Version: Beta Release

Description: Laser Bot is a custom all-purpose bot where you can: Play with the Miscellaneous commands, Moderate server members, Open tickets and so much more!


Chat: (Permission: Manage Messages / Administrator)
Embed - Sends a message to the current or the specified channel in an embed
Say - Same as the embed command however just in a normal text

Core: (Permission: None)
About - Get to know Laser Bot!
Help - Displays all the current commands on Laser Bot
Invite - Gets the bots invite link
Ping - See what the bots ping is
Uptime - See how long the bot has been online for

Discord API: (Permission: None)
Server - Gets the server info
Info - Gets the mentioned users discord info

Misc: (Permission: None)
Alpaca - Gets a picture / GIF of an Alpaca!
Cat - Gets a picture / GIF of a Cat!
Dog - Gets a picture / GIF of a Dog!
Llama - Gets a picture / GIF of a Llama!
Meme - You like Memes? Use this command!
Report - Reports a user to the discord servers Moderators!
Seal - Gets a picture / GIF of a Seal!
Urban - Search something on Urban Dictionary or a random search! This must be ran in a NSFW channel.
XKCD - Search a ID of the XKCD website or get a random comic! This must be ran in a NSFW channel.

Ban - Bans a user from the discord guild!
Kick - Kicks a user from the discord guild!
Lock - Locks the channel that the command was ran in.
Mute - Mutes the specified user for the specified reason
Purge - Purges the amount of messages specified
Serverlock - Locks the whole guild (NOTE: This alters the permissions for EVERY channel. If you have any staff or announcement channels etc, you must revert the changes.)
Serverunlock - Unlocks the guild (Same advice as the serverlock command)
Softban - Bans a user from the guild, removes their messages and then unbans them
Unban - Unbans a banned user
Unlock - Unlocks a locked channel
Unmute - Unmute a muted user

Ticket-close - Closes a ticket.
Ticket-new - Opens a ticket with the specified reason.
Ticket-rename - Renames a ticket

Server Admins:
Addrole - Adds the specified role to the mentioned user! You must also provide a reason (Note: The bots role has to be higher than the role you are adding.)
Removerole - Removes a role from the mentioned user! You must also provide a reason. (Note: The bots role has to be higher than the role you are removing.)
Setup - Creates all the channels and roles needed!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.