Light Stage BOT - Commands
User Commands
Help : Shows this message | Use +help [command] for more info
math : Does math for you! (Use: add,subtract,multiply,divide, percentage, average commands)
join : send invite to Light stage server!
avatar : Shows your avatar in a embed!
info : Shows bot info
invite: Sends a invite link to users DM
servers : Shows in how many servers bot currently is!
say : Says your message!
ping : What you think this shows?
event_create : Will start the event creation setup
vote : Gives you a vote!
Server Mods commands
clear : Clears messages in a chat!
dm : Sends a DM to a person!
embed: Sends a Costume embed with costume text!
reaction : adds a reaction to a message!
poll : Sends a Poll embed
emojipoll : Sends a Poll with costume emojis!
votes: Adds reactions to vote with!
removevotes : removes reaction from a user!
Server staff commands
training : Sends the trainin
event_approve : Approves a event [EVENT PLANNER ROLE REQUIRED!]
event_reject: Rejects a event [EVENT PLANNER ROLE REQUIRED!]
Server owners commands
send : Sends a costume message to a costume chat!
event : Sends the event EMBED!
suggestion : Sends the suggestion embed!
update : Sends the update embed!
partner : Sends the Light Stage Partner Embed
partner_send : Sends the costumized embed from a partner!
kick : Kicks a person
ban : Bans a perosn
setup : Setsup the event commands
commandlogs : Sends the Logs from all the commands used in your server!
addlogs : Add your own random messages to the logs!