Lillie has gone through Discord’s bot verification process and has been approved. The real Lillie should have a checkmark in her bot tag.
You can use the addreaction
command to add animated reactions to messages without having Nitro! (|addreaction AnimatedEmojiName
Lillie’s moderation commands include warns, mutes, kicks, and bans. These moderation commands output detailed logs to a selected moderation action log channel. Action reasons can be edited by any moderator if needed.
The channel character or word limits can be configured to DM the user their original message. (This can be turned off using the setmessagelengthunmetmessage
Voting can be done anonymously, with each user DMing the bot their vote. Try using startpoll
to start a poll.
The Pokémon-based game is based off of the Legendary Pokémon of the Alola region. Use the startadventure
command to start playing it! Notifications from this game may be turned off on a per-server basis using the setnebbynotifications
There are also some other miscellaneous fun commands.