LILY Discord Bot Logo

LILY Discord Bot

Full LILY Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Meme commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in February

LILY Discord Bot Described:

Moderator, Meme, Anime, gif, Game and fun bot!

invite bot! | support server!

LILY bot is designed for YOU if you need something to do when you bored.

If you like meme, this bot will give you a lot of memes about general memes, anime memes, minecraft memes, …

If you like animal, this bot will give you some picture of dog, cat, hamster, bird, duck, fox and furry!

AND this bot moderator your server too!

It can kick, ban, delete messages faster!


  • Give you random memes on Subreddit!

  • Give you some memes about Minecraft/ Anime

  • Give you some pictures about dog/ cat/ hamster/ fox/ furry…


General commands:

Lhelp - See this message.

Linvite - Invite this bot.

Lsupport - go to support server.

Lban - ban members

Lkick - kick members

Lclear <number> - delete messages

Linfo - members infomation

Lpoll - make a yes or no poll

Lsay - make LILY say anything you want

Lannounce - make a announce faster

Quick search command:

Meme commands:

Lmeme - if you want some memes

Lminememe - if you need some minecraft memes

Lanimeme - if you need some anime memes

Lgamememe - if you need some game memes

Fun commands:

L8ball - 8ball command will answer your YES or NO question!

Lflipcoin - flip a coin!

Animal commands:

Lcute - images about cute thing

Ldog - dog pictures

Lcat - cat pictures

Lhamster - hamster pictures

Lbird - bird pictures

Lduck - duck pictures

Lfox - fox pictures

Lfurry - furry pictures

Other commands:

Lcurse - curse images

Lreaction - gifs about reaction

Lanimegirl - Anime girl pictures

Lneko - Anime Neko girl!

Lhololive - Vtuber pictures!

Lcuteanime - cute anime pictures!

  • this bot will have more commands in the future!
    click invite bot! to invite this bot and click support server to go bot support server!

invite bot! | support server!

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add LILY Discord Bot to my server?

You can add LILY to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add LILY Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: L
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Salt#9435