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A multipurpose discord bot with Moderation, Utility and Fun

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<b>A multipurpose discord bot with moderation commands, utility and fun.</b>

[] = Mandatory
{} = Optional


  • purge {type} [amount] {text} - Delete x amount of messages based on the type given (contains, match, images), if any is given. Requires permission to delete messages.

  • purgeban {type} [amount] {text} - Same as above, but bans the user as well as deleting the message, allowing to easily ban raiders. Requires permission to ban members.

  • ban [user] {reason} - Bans the user specified. Requires permission to ban members.

  • kick [user] {reason} - Kicks the user specified. Requires permission to kick members.

  • mute [user] [time - m/h/d] {reason} - Mutes the user for specified time, will automatically give the role if they rejoin. Max time - 7 days.


  • autorole [add/remove] [role] - Add or remove an autorole to your server. Requires permission to manage roles.

  • muterole [role] - Sets the role to give to users that are muted.

  • logs [channel/remove] {set} {channel} - Create or remove a channel to be used to log moderation commands.

  • createreactionrole [messageID] [role] [emoji] - Creates a new reaction role, must be used in the same channel as the message. Requires permission to manage server.

  • deletereactionrole [messageID] [emoji] - Deletes the reaction role on a message, reactions will not be automatically removed. Requires permission to manage server.

  • newemoji [name] file - Creates a new emoji with the name given and file sent. Requires permission to manage emojis.

  • listroles - List all roles in the server along with their ID

  • say [message] - Makes the bot send a message. Requires permission to manage the server.

  • ping - Responds with the bots ping.


  • launch {Launch Provider} - Gets the next launch, with a link if found. You can find the next launch by launch provider as well.

  • ball [question] - Responds with a random answer to the question.

  • coinflip - Flips a coin.

  • diceroll {amount} - Rolls a die, max amount will be 6 if an amount of sides is not specified.

  • slots - Slots machine.

More info at: https://finelime.github.io

Feel free to suggest new features for the bot.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.