Logo for Lord Bottington

Lord Bottington Commands

Discover the full list of Lord Bottington commands with this guide. Easily navigate through the Lord Bottington Bot commands list and find the perfect one for your needs.

View Lord Bottington Discord Bot

Here are the Commands for Lord Bottington Bot:
  • /automaton - Retrieve information regarding Lord Bottington's creation.
  • /byname - Change the byname (nickname) of Lord Bottington. (Admin only)
  • /eventhandler - Configure Lord Bottington's usage and directives. (Admin Only)
  • /help - Receive a list of OR assistance with Lord Bottington's directives -- organized by category.
  • /patron - Enable patron (premium) features for your guild. (Admin Only)
  • /ping - Inquire of the latency of Lord Bottington.
  • /updates - Retrieve the latest important update information regarding Lord Bottington.
  • /vote - Vote for the automaton and receive a reward for your efforts.
  • /autopurge - Allow Lord Bottington to automatically purge messages from a desired channel. (Admin Only)
  • /moderate - Configure the moderation settings for the guild. (Admin Only)
  • /promotion - Configure the promotion settings for your guild. (Admin Only)
  • /starboard - Configure the settings for the starboard messages. (Admin Only)
  • /streaming - Configure the settings for streaming statuses and notifications. (Admin Only)
  • /timedembeds - Configure the settings for the timed embed messages. (Admin Only)
  • /welcome - Configure the settings for the welcome messages. (Admin Only)
  • /birthdaylist - Allow Lord Bottington to provide you a list of all dates of birth for your guild. (Admin Only)
  • /getbirthday - Allow Lord Bottington to provide you with a user's date of birth.
  • /removebirthday - Allow Lord Bottington to remove a date of birth from the register.
  • /setbirthday - Manually input thy date of birth for Lord Bottington to commit to memory.
  • /defineimproper - Lord Bottington will define a term for you in its improper (slang/urban) form.
  • /defineproper - Lord Bottington will define a term for you in its proper form.
  • /embedder - Send embedded messages to a channel. (Admin Only)
  • /embedslist - List all the timed embeds created so far. (Admin Only)
  • /giftgiving - Permit Lord Bottington to arrange a prize drawing for an item of your preference. (Admin Only)
  • /iconography - Receive a list of the guild's iconography.
  • /play - Lord Bottington will help you reach out to other like-minded players in search of game companions.
  • /promote - Promote your guild (server).
  • /purge - Purge messages from a desired channel. (Manage Messages Privileges)
  • /search - Lord Bottington will demonstrate how to find something on the internet.
  • /testpromote - Test the promotion for your guild. (Admin Only)
  • /testwelcome - Test how Lord Bottington welcomes newcomers. (Admin Only)
  • /weather - Allow Lord Bottington to retrieve the weather data for your location of choice.
  • /banish - Lord Bottington will banish (ban) a member from the guild. (Admin Only)
  • /remove - Lord Bottington will remove (kick) a member from the guild. (Admin Only)
  • /silence - Lord Bottington will silence (mute) a member within the guild. (Admin Only)
  • /unbanish - Lord Bottington will unbanish (unban) a member from the guild. (Admin Only)
  • /unsilence - Lord Bottington will unsilence (unmute) a member within the guild. (Admin Only)
  • /warn - Lord Bottington will warn a member within the guild. (Admin Only)
  • /warninglist - Lord Bottington will provide a list of warnings for a member within the guild. (Admin Only)
  • /warnremove - Lord Bottington will remove a warning from a member within the guild. (Admin Only)
  • /boredom - Lord Bottington will provide a suggestion to help you alleviate your boredom.
  • /compliment - Allow Lord Bottington to extend a sincere compliment to you or a fellow member.
  • /converse - Ask Lord Bottington anything you would like.
  • /crystalball - Seek guidance from the crystall ball and unveil the mysteries of the universe.
  • /glyph - Lord Bottington will return a glyph (ascii art) of the desired selection.
  • /greet - Greet Lord Bottington.
  • /imagine - Allow Lord Bottington to generate an image based on your prompt.
  • /minotar - Lord Bottington shall procure a Minecraft user's esteemed visage for you.
  • /pictorialize - Lord Bottington shall transform avatars, images, and text into iconography or apply image effects.
  • /roll - Roll dice with a chosen number of sides.
  • /satireimage - Lord Bottington will retrieve a random satirical image for you.
  • /teatime - Request a virtual tea service from Lord Bottington.
  • /thought - Allow Lord Bottington to enlighten you with its vast knowledge.
  • /battleship - Challenge Lord Bottington or another member of the guild to a game of Battleship.
  • /connectfour - Challenge Lord Bottington or another member of the guild to a game of Connect Four.
  • /mastermind - Decipher the secret code of Lord Bottington.
  • /playerinfo - Check game related information for a member within the guild.
  • /rps - Challenge Lord Bottington or another member of the guild to a game of rock, paper, scissors.
  • /tictactoe - Challenge Lord Bottington or another member of the guild to a game of tic-tac-toe.
  • /toptalent - Receive information on the top talent for games played within the guild.
  • /wumpus - Go on a hunt to find and conquer the dreaded Wumpus👹.
  • /displaycase - Display your collected items for all to view.
  • /earnings - Check remaining shillings and other game information for an individual within the guild.
  • /exchange - Exchange collectible items with members of your guild.
  • /shop - Purchase and sell items at the marketplace.