LuckyYK Discord Bot Logo

LuckyYK Discord Bot

Invite LuckyYK Bot to your server and enjoy Music, Steam Search and other commands. Get the full guide to the LuckyYK Discord Bot.

0 upvotes in December

LuckyYK Discord Bot Described:

A cool multi-purpose Discord Bot with music and steam search for games in store much more!!

Commands List of LuckyYK BOT (8)
Music Command Group
leave loop loopqueue lyrics move music-trivia nowplaying pause play queue remove resume shuffle skip skipall skipto stop-trivia volume
❯ info commands group
alarm avatar channel command-leaderboard country covid emoji-image emoji-list emoji first-message help id invite message npm ping role server steam translate uptime user weather whomademe
❯ moderation related commands
addemoji ban kick prune slowmode
❯ fun related commands
animegif avatar-fusion book info chocolate-milk chucknorris define dog emojify fancy fire fortune gif gintama google hex insult jojo motivation movie nasa random rate react reddit rip thug-life trumptweet wikihow youtube today
❯ memes related commands
can-you-not cave dark-light eat-pant eggs-get-laid fly give-flower hi isnt-joke its-joke just-do-it lenny nitro rickroll spam tableflip wynaut yoff
❯ random-images related commands
ai-artwork ai-fursona ai-horse ai-vase ai-waifu awwnime bird duck fox meme shiba
❯ More fun related commands
8-ball advice axis-cult bunny-fact cat-fact charlie-charlie choose coin compliment dog-fact draw-cards fact-core fact fml joke light-novel-title lorem-ipsum magic-conch name never-have-i-ever news number-fact offspring opinion oracle-turret pun quantum-coin quote random-user roll security-key shower-thought smw-level subreddit suggest-command superpower the-onion this-for-that will-you-press-the-button word would-you-rather
❯ action related commands
cry disgust grope hand hug kiss lewd nobully noswearing pat slap smug wasted wink

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add LuckyYK Discord Bot to my server?

You can add LuckyYK to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add LuckyYK Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: y!
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: YK303#2828