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Small discord bot with few smaller features and constantly in development

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Lunar Bot is a discord bot that is currently is development and is developed solo by me and using this bot as a project to learn programming.

Lunar bot will include some features from other bots and implement some feature that are unique

All feedback and suggestions is very grateful and will go well in the bots development

We are always developing new features, some small, some larger and will try and develop as much as we can from feedback and suggestions


Here is the list of commands and some help on how to use the commands:

The default prefix is !! and to get your prefix of the server you can do !!getprefix

help - This command gives you a list of each available command and its arguments

ping - Ping literally checks the current latency

userinfo - Displays your info about your account, including any badges, creation date and UUID

serverinfo - Collects the information on the current server and displays if the server has any special features (I.E: Partner/Verified)

invite - Shows you the invite for the bot and the support server

joke - Displays you a random joke and image

meme - Displays you a random meme and image

minecraft <UUID | Name> <"Your uuid | Your Name> - Collects your information about your minecraft account, including your skin

Music Commands
join - Tells the bot to join the channel

leave - Tells the bot bye bye and leave the channel

play <youtube url> - Plays your suggested song

queue - Lists the current songs in the queue

nowplaying - Tells you the current playing song

repeat - Repeats the current song

skip - Skips the now playing song

stop - Stops the playing songs

Admin Commands
ban <user> <reason> - Bans the user and displays the reason (Also removes all messages from last 7days)

kick <user> <reason> - Kicks the user and displays the reason

setprefix <new prefix> - Changes the prefix for the current server (Forget your prefix? Do !!getprefix to get the prefix for the server)

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.