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guess the ai game where you have to guess which image is ai generated!

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AI game where you have to guess from 2 images which one is ai image, there are 5 levels level 1 easy, level 2 almost easy, level 3 medium, level 4 hard, level 5 hard for each won game you gain throphies you can unlock badges and get to top of leaderboard!


/play - Start the game
/profile - Check your profile!
/leaderboard - See who leads globally
/help- help command for all commands.
/botstats- statistics about bot.


first time play - Play one game
begginer - Surpass the 1 continous streaks
medium - Surpass the 20 continous streaks!
advanced - Surpass the 100 continous streaks!

Have fun playing!

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